hey this is my Blog

incahuasi from Cusco, Peru (light roast):
smell of apple and cinnamon during bloom. it tastes kind of very slightly fruity on the first note. develops into this rich nd sweet flavor. i'm getting some slight astringency on the aftertaste so i probably have to grind a bit courser.
update 1: i ground coarser nd i did Not get the astringency so i Think i was right ! however i forgot to actually note down wht the coffee tasted lik becos i was Beasting Crazy Omega in Mahjong Gold Room.
update 2: i ran it again with the same grind but my technique was better and i definitely dialed the grind too course last time. going to bring it down like 3 stops next time and see, since it's a bit watery.

feng qing pure bud golden needle black tea:
its yumy . th first black tea i've rly liked !

yue guang bai:
3/23 - 7g(tea):700g(wata) - 194°- 4m steep
i burnet My tong on this shit man >_<
okay Its yummy ! but Acktually this is my fav tea i drink it ALot it's rly sweet even on th first steep nd it has a kinda floral element to it that's not too overpowering so i Like It a Lot ! it's also pretty cheap nd has a good amt of caffeine. nd u get like 8 steeps out of it befor it tastes Yuckie.